For municipalities

Electric mobility for everyone in your municipality. Worry free.

Help increase the civic amenities and attractiveness of your community and make it a good place to live. Drive representative, safe and environmentally friendly cars. Become a respected partner of satisfied citizens. Share with your neighbors the joy of clean driving.
Shared electromobility is the future

Clean and green streets without old and little used cars. An ecological car whenever you need it. A sustainable future. We will arrange everything for you, just give us a contact.


and a transparent solution for the future of your community

Superior amenities of your municipality

You will get representative vehicles that you will use as business cars. If you're not going anywhere, the cars will serve the citizens and won't stand unused. You will make available to residents services for which they have previously had to commute far and intricately, or were completely inaccessible to them.

Environment-friendly and budget-friendly

You will introduce a modern way of ecological and economical transport services. You will provide convenient transportation, accessible to all ages and social groups. In addition, with long-term use of the service, your municipality will significantly save compared to the purchase and operation of traditional cars.

Returnable investment. Even into mutual relationships

Don't be the one who bought the new cars, but the one who bought US the new cars. The shared service and community car brings a whole new perspective: The “wasted money” becomes a real investment in the development of the municipality and helps to build equal relationships between its leadership and citizens.

Subsidy support for the project

Did you know that the law stipulates that public procurement authorities (i.e. municipalities) must comply with the proportion of low-emission vehicles of at least 29.7% * (Act No. 360/2022 Coll.). By participating in the program, you not only meet this requirement, but also qualify for a subsidy contribution.
* It applies in the case of an over-limit public contract, the subject of which is the purchase, lease or rental of a vehicle within the meaning of Section 2 (1) (a) of Act No. 360/2022 Coll., on the promotion of low-emission vehicles through the procurement of public contracts and public services in passenger transport.
Our Services

We will arrange everything for you 


We take care of everything and will consult with you on a regular basis. You don't have to worry about anything.

We will prepare a project for obtaining a grant

We arrange all the necessary documents and circulate the authorities. We are experienced, so it will go smoothly and you will not have any extra work or worries.

We will arrange a tender for cars and charging stations.

Together with you, we will select the most suitable cars and their number tailored to your municipality. We arrange the construction of parking spaces with chargers as well as the necessary construction modifications.

Together with you, we will implement the project.

We will be with you throughout the project and we will bring all the necessary steps to a successful end. We will be available to you at any time and you can rely on us.

We will connect electric cars to the Peoplecar shared system

We will take care of the smooth operation of the service. We operate a user-friendly car sharing app and a call centre that is available to clients with any requests related to the service.

We will take care of your fleet from A to Z

We provide regular service, technical inspections, summer and winter changing, car insurance and take care of keeping the vehicles in perfect and clean condition.

Simply leave a contact. We'll get back to you.

We will prepare solutions tailored to your needs. We will provide everything to the satisfaction of you and your citizens. Let's build a sustainable future together.
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"Sustainable development of our cities and accessible mobility with respect for nature is one of the main challenges of today. Our goal is to help municipalities offer citizens a modern and sustainable future full of possibilities.“

Pavel Tipan, co-founder