
General terms and conditions

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General Terms and Conditions of the Peoplecar platform,

(hereinafter referred to as 'GTC“)

(1) e-community solutions s.r.o.

registered office in Varšavská 715/36, Vinohrady, 120 00 Praha 2, ID: 194 88 106, registered in the Commercial Register under the registration number no. C 387400, filed at the Municipal Court in Prague (hereinafter referred to as'ECS“or”Provider“)

1. General provisions

1.1. These ECS GTC regulate the detailed definition of the mutual rights and obligations of the Provider and the User when using the Peoplecar Platform, in particular the detailed conditions for the rental of the Vehicle by the User. The general terms and conditions of the GTC are an integral part of the contractual relationship between the Provider and the User.

1.2. Each capitalized term used in these GTC shall have the meaning assigned to it in these GTC, in particular Article 2.

1.3. Where these GTC refer to articles, annexes, provisions, or paragraphs, this shall mean references to articles, annexes, provisions, or paragraphs of these GTC.

1.4. These GTC forms an integral part of the Agreement.

2. Definition of basic concepts

2.1. “Application” means the Provider's mobile application available on the GooglePlay (Android) and Appstore (iPhone) stores.

2.2. “Helpline” means the telephone number of the Provider + 420 725 720 255, which is intended by the Provider for 24-hour communication of the User with the authorized persons of the Provider in resolving queries or other matters referred to in these Terms. The User is informed by the Provider that the calls on this Helpline are monitored and recorded by the Provider. The User acknowledges this fact and agrees to it.

2.3. “Authorized Charging Station” means a compatible charging station that is simultaneously connected to the Peoplecar Platform or a partner charging station on the Chargee Network.

2.4. “Vehicle” means a passenger car that the Provider has included in the Peoplecar Platform and which is equipped with a specific electronic device enabling the operation of the Peoplecar Platform. The list of Vehicles designated by the Provider for the Peoplecar Platform is available to the User through the Application. The vehicles are visibly marked with the Peoplecar logo. The electronic device allows the User to open the Vehicle with the help of a smartphone and send to the Provider in real time data about the driving, location and other vehicle status data using the GSM network to the Provider, which are necessary for the operation of the Peoplecar Platform and for charging prices and charges according to the Price List. “User” means a person who has entered into a contract with the Provider, has agreed to these and/or subsequent GTC and is entitled to use the Peoplecar Platform.

2.5. “Price list” means the tariff of Rent, prices, fees and penalties that the User is obliged to pay to the Provider in connection with the use of the Peoplecar Platform, in particular the price list for the rental (rental) of the Vehicle and other fees. For the User, the Provider's price list is always valid at the time of the start of the reservation.

2.6. “Rental Period” means the period during which the User has undertaken to use the Vehicle and for which he has undertaken to pay rent and at the same time during which the Provider has been allowed to use the Vehicle.

2.7. “Vehicle Rental” means the transfer of the Vehicle by the Provider to the User for payment for temporary use (car sharing).

2.8. “Rent” means the total amount that the User undertakes to pay for the use of the Vehicle.

2.9. “OZ” means Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended.

2:10 a.m. “Parking space” means a parking space intended for a particular Vehicle from which the User collected it at the beginning of the Rental.

2:11 a.m. “Payment Card” means the User's payment card (in particular MASTERCARD/VISA), which the User is obliged to assign to his User Account. The User agrees that all prices and fees in accordance with the GTC, Price List and other arrangements with the Provider shall be paid by Credit Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay or by prepaid voucher purchased from the Provider.

2:12 a.m. “Permitted Territory” means a geographically, geographically, locationally or otherwise territorially restricted area in which the User is entitled to use a given Vehicle, namely the territory of the European Union.

2:13 a.m. “Road Traffic Rules” means traffic rules binding on road users, in particular (i) Act No. 361/2000 Coll., On Road Traffic and Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended, and (or) (ii) Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic No. 294/2015 Coll., implementing traffic rules on road roads, and (or) (ii) other legislation of the Czech Republic and the laws of the States or the European Union in which the User uses the Vehicle.

2:14 a.m. “Reservation” means a service provided by the User consisting in restricting the use of the Vehicle by other Users or third parties from the moment of the required beginning of the rental of the Vehicle until the desired end of the rental of the Vehicle or until the moment of cancellation of the rental of the Vehicle by the User.

2:15 a.m. “Agreement” means the contractual relationship between the Provider and the User as defined in these GTC and in other agreements made through the Application.

2:16 a.m. “Peoplecar Platform” means a car sharing system based on a paid short-term rental of cars, which the Provider, as a lessor, leases to Users as lessees using automated electronic equipment and means of electronic communication online and Application. Peoplecar Platform is defined as a set of mutual rights and obligations specified in these GTC and other documentation and legal negotiations concluded between the Provider and the User and at the price indicated in the Price List.

2:17 a.m. “User” means the person who has entered into a contract with the Provider, has agreed to these and/or subsequent GTC and is entitled to use the Peoplecar Platform and enter into partial Lease Agreements.

2:18 a.m. “User Account” means an electronic account established by the User when registering on the Provider's website or through the Application, to which the User logs in with a login name and password. The User Account enables the User, in particular, to make the Vehicle Reservation system online. The User Account also contains an overview of the billing of prices (Rent) for the use (rental) of Vehicles and other fees or contractual penalties charged to the User by the Provider. In the User Account, any discounts or bonuses are also recorded by the User if the User is entitled to them.

3. Subject of service

3.1. The Provider undertakes, in the manner set out in these GTC, to provide the User with the Vehicle for temporary use upon his request through the Application and the User undertakes to use the Vehicle in accordance with the agreements with the Provider and these GTC, in particular to pay the Rent on time for leaving the Vehicle and to properly fulfill other obligations arising from the agreement with the Provider and these GTC. The amount of rent is determined by the Price List.

3.2. The application for the rental of the Vehicle, the Reservation of the Vehicle, the beginning and the end of the Vehicle Rental Period, as well as other actions arising from these GTC, are made through the Application.

3.3. In the Application, the Provider maintains a list of Vehicles, from which the User independently selects the Vehicle for use within the framework of the lease based on these GTC. Assessment of the condition of the Vehicle when it is taken over for lease is carried out by the User independently. In the event that the User is not satisfied with the Vehicle, the Lessor may offer for rent another Vehicle that meets the User's requirements, if such Vehicle is available.

3.4. The vehicle is provided for rental to the User if all of the following conditions are met:

(a) The User's User Account is not blocked;

(b) the use of the Vehicle is not prohibited by the agreements between the Provider and the User and/or these GTC;

(c) The User complies with all requirements stipulated by the Provider, these GTC and legal regulations.

3.5. In matters not regulated by these GTC and other agreements between the Provider and the User, the relations between the Provider and the User shall be governed by the legislation of the Czech Republic, or by the legislation of the place where the User uses the Vehicle in accordance with these GTC and other agreements with the Provider.

3.6. The vehicle may only be used in the Allowed Territory. Use of the Vehicle contrary to this requirement is not permitted.

3.7. The restrictions provided for in this Article may extend, narrow or abolish the Provider, either in whole or in part. The relevant notice of changes is published in the Application and is valid for the period of publication, unless otherwise specified in the notice. If the User does not agree to the changes, he/she is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement within 15 days from the publication of the notice.

4. Vehicle Reservation

4.1. The User declares that he is not the only potential tenant of the Vehicle and acknowledges and agrees to respect the period for which the Vehicle is booked or used by another authorized user.

4.2. Reservation of the Vehicle takes place through the calendar in the App and is possible for any free date in the future.

4.3. The User is entitled to make a Vehicle Reservation for a specific date and a pre-selected time period.

4.4. The User acknowledges that at the time of the start of the Rental the battery will reach at least 25%.

4.5. The User acknowledges that the Provider recommends a time reserve to inspect the Vehicle before driving and any unexpected events during the Rental Period.

4.6. By confirming the Reservation of the Vehicle, the User agrees that:

(a) act in such a way that the Lease Period is not exceeded;

(b) If he returns the Vehicle before the agreed end of the Rental Period, he will be charged the full amount for the reserved period of time.

4.7. The user is informed of the cancellation conditions and invited to agree to them.

4.8. At the moment of completion of the Booking process, the Vehicle is reserved for the User and the amount corresponding to the Rent in full according to the Price List is blocked on his saved payment card.

4.9. In advance (more than 24 hours) before the selected Rental Period, the User receives a notification via the Application with a reminder of the deadline and the possibility of cancellation without cancellation fee no later than 24 hours before the start of the Rental Period.

4:10 a.m. In case of cancellation of the Reservation 24 hours or less before the moment of the beginning of the Rental Period, the User undertakes to pay a cancellation fee of 100% of the Rental Price for the booked Rental Period. The Provider is entitled, on the basis of an individual request, to forgive part or all of the cancellation fee to the User.

4:11 a.m. In the event that the User does not show up and takes over the Vehicle or takes it over later than the moment of the start of the Rental Period, this fact does not affect the User's obligation to pay the Rent in full.

5. Obligations of the User before driving

5.1. The user locates the Vehicle Application.

5.2. After locating and locating the Vehicle, the User checks the Vehicle registration plate and verifies that it is the relevant Vehicle.

5.3. The User undertakes, without undue delay, after opening the Vehicle, to inspect the Vehicle externally at the latest before the start of the journey in order to detect any damage to the Vehicle. The subject of the inspection is damage inside and outside the Vehicle, mess in the Vehicle, charging card, Vehicle registration certificate (small technical license), spare tire repair kits, mandatory equipment and charging cable. All possible damage, pollution or missing documentation or accessories to the Vehicle, the User is obliged to document (photograph) before the start of the ride. The User is also obliged to document (photograph) the proper technical condition of the Vehicle from all four sides (i.e. front, rear, left and right), which the User is obliged to upload to the Application.

5.4. The User disconnects the Vehicle from the charging station according to the instructions in the Application.

5.5. In the event that the User does not manage to create or save photos in the application, the User is obliged to contact the Help Line and follow the instructions of the Help Line.

It's 5.6. In the event that the Vehicle is not fit for use on roads, the User may not use the Vehicle for driving and is obliged to report the incapacity to the Provider via the Application, Helpline or e-mail. In case of doubts about the technical competence of the Vehicle, the User may contact the Provider via the Help Line. In the event that the User violates the obligation to inspect the Vehicle before starting the ride and does not report any damage, the User is liable for unreported damages.

5.7. The user is obliged to check and maintain the battery status so that when returning the Vehicle to the place of return, the battery state reaches at least 10% of the vehicle's battery capacity.

5.8. The User acknowledges that the Vehicles are electrically powered. The User is entitled to recharge the Vehicle's battery during the Rental Period only by Authorized Charging Stations. In case the Vehicle is recharged by a charging station other than a station located at the Parking Space, the User shall bear the cost of recharging the Vehicle in full.

5.9. Instructions on how to operate the Vehicle can be found in the Vehicle mailbox. In case of damage caused by non-compliance with instructions from the manufacturer, the User undertakes to pay the Provider for the damage incurred.

5:10 a.m. The Vehicle registration certificate (small technical license) and other documents necessary for the operation of the Vehicle are located in the Vehicle mailbox. The vehicle is also equipped with mandatory equipment.

6. Obligations of the User when using the Vehicle

6.1. The user is obliged to comply with the Rules of the Road, or the generally binding laws of cities and municipalities regarding the parking of vehicles. Only the User who has reached 18 years of age and holds a valid driving license of group B. The User is liable for all traffic violations according to the Rules of the Road or other generally binding regulations. In the event that a fine, specified amount or any other penalty is applied to the Provider or the operator of the Vehicle by the administrative authority for the period during which the User used the Vehicle, the User undertakes to pay this fine/specified amount/any other penalty at all times Provider and pay the Provider an administrative fee for handling the fine in the amount specified in the Price List.

6.2. The User is obliged to prevent damage to the Vehicle, and is obliged to comply with the manufacturer's instructions for the operation of the Vehicle and other instructions of the Provider.

6.3. In the case of temporary parking when leaving the Vehicle, the User locks the Vehicle exclusively with the vehicle keys, or with a smartphone, if such service is technically put into operation by the Provider. The User is obliged to secure the Vehicle against theft or damage at any time of parking or temporarily leaving the Car.

6.4. The User is obliged to keep the Vehicle clean and tidy and keep all documents in the designated place in the Vehicle compartment. The user must not smoke in the Vehicle or handle fire or other hazardous substances in the Vehicle. In case of contamination of the Vehicle, the User is obliged to clean the Vehicle at his own expense before returning it. In the event that the User returns the Vehicle contaminated, he is obliged to pay the Provider a fee for cleaning the Vehicle in the amount specified in the Price List. Compensation for damage in excess of costs for removal of pollution or damage to the interior of the Vehicle shall not be affected by this.

6.5. The user is obliged to take reasonable care of the Vehicle, especially during long journeys, he is obliged to check the condition of the tyre pressure, the condition of liquids and to check the vehicle's warning systems. In case of unfit technical condition of the Vehicle (accident or failure), the User is obliged to interrupt the ride, shut down the Vehicle and report the technical failure of the Vehicle to the Provider via the Help Line and follow the instructions of the Provider, otherwise he is liable to the Provider for the resulting damage. The Provider's instructions may also mean active cooperation of the User until the situation is completely resolved (contact with the Assistance Line, waiting for the arrival of the towing service and personal participation in handing over the broken Vehicle to the towing service, etc.)

6.6. The User is obliged to use the Vehicle personally, may not transfer the Vehicle (in particular, lend or lease or sublet or other use) the Vehicle to a third party or allow another person to drive the Vehicle. In case of violation of this obligation, the User is obliged to pay the Provider a contractual penalty in the amount specified in the Price List.

6.7. The User is entitled to use (make a Reservation) only one Vehicle at the same time and is therefore not entitled to use two or more Vehicles at the same time at the same time (especially for the benefit of another person). In case of violation of this obligation, the User is obliged to pay the Provider a contractual penalty in the amount specified in the Price List, for each individual violation of the obligation.

6.8. The User undertakes to use the recharge card exclusively to recharge the Vehicle and must not hand over or give the recharge card to any third party or use this card to recharge another electric vehicle. The User acknowledges that the misuse of the charging card for charging the electric vehicle of a third party is detectable by the Provider according to the electronic system in the Vehicle. In case of violation of this obligation, the User is obliged to pay the Provider a contractual penalty in the amount specified in the Price List and compensate the Provider, in addition to the contractual penalty, for all damages incurred. Any loss of the recharge card shall be reported to the Provider without delay. In case of loss or damage to the recharge card, the User is obliged to pay the Provider a fee in the amount specified in the Price List for issuing a new recharging chip.

6.9. The User is not entitled to examine or interfere in any way with the electronic system of the Vehicle (smart card readers, ignition, or other technical equipment enabling the operation of the Peoplecar Platform). The User is not entitled to make any interventions, changes or modifications or repairs on the Vehicle. In case of violation of this obligation, the User is obliged to pay the contractual penalty specified in the Price List. The claim for damages is not affected by the payment of a contractual penalty.

6:10 a.m. The User is entitled to use the Vehicle exclusively for travel on public publicly accessible paved roads. The User undertakes not to use the Vehicle for competitions, races or similar events, or to use the Vehicle for commercial purposes or to transport non-ordinary cargo or items that may damage or pollute the Vehicle.

6:11 a.m. The User is not authorized to use and undertakes not to use the Vehicle for travel outside the territory of the Permitted Territory. In case of travel outside the Permitted Territory without the prior consent of the Provider, the User is obliged to pay the Provider a contractual penalty in the amount specified in the Price List for each hour of travel started outside the Permitted Territory. The Provider's right to compensation for damages by paying this contractual penalty is not affected.

6:12 a.m. The User is not entitled to transport animals in the Vehicle unless they are transported in closed cages and/or if there is a risk of contamination of the Vehicle. In case the User violates this obligation and returns the Vehicle contaminated by the animal, he is obliged to pay the Provider a fee for cleaning the Vehicle in the amount specified in the Price List.

6:13 a.m. The User undertakes not to drive the Vehicle after consuming alcohol, under the influence of narcotic or psychotropic substances, drugs or other substances that may affect the perception and ability to drive the Vehicle.

6:14 a.m. The User is obliged at any time to allow the Provider access to the Vehicle during use for the purpose of checking the Vehicle and whether the Vehicle is being used by the User in a proper manner and in accordance with the Agreement and the GTC. In the event that the User does not provide the Provider with cooperation to access the Vehicle, the Provider is entitled in urgent cases to make the Vehicle available for inspection without the User's cooperation and knowledge, in particular in case of prevention of damage or in case of imminent damage, incorrect parking or technical failure or damage to the Vehicle.

6:15 a.m. In the event of any service intervention (exit) of the Provider to the Vehicle due to improper use of the Vehicle (i.e., in particular contrary to the instructions of the Vehicle manufacturer, in violation of the Contract or these GTC), the User is obliged to pay the Provider a fee for the service exit of the Provider in the amount specified in the Price List per kilometer from the Provider's headquarters to the location of the Vehicle and back to the Provider's headquarters.

6:16 a.m. The User undertakes not to park the Vehicle in places with an inaccessible GSM network for more than 5 (five) minutes while using the Vehicle (during the Rental Period).

6:17 a.m. The User undertakes to pay all fees for the use of toll road sections during the period when the User has the Vehicle at his disposal or has it at his disposal in accordance with the Agreement and these GTC.

7. Obligations of the User upon termination of use

7.1. The User undertakes to return the Vehicle in an orderly and timely manner. For this purpose, the User undertakes to adapt the ride and act in such a way as to be able to return (park) the Vehicle to the Parking place in time at the end of the Rental Period. The User undertakes to connect the Vehicle to the charging station if it has a Parking space.

7.2. The User undertakes to check the condition of the Vehicle before locking the Vehicle and is obliged to document (photograph) any technical defects or damage. The User is also obliged to document (photograph) the proper technical condition of the Vehicle from all four sides (i.e. from the front, rear, left and right), which the Vehicle User is obliged to upload to the Application.

7.3. In the event that the User does not manage to create or save photos in the Application, the User is obliged to contact the Help Line and follow its instructions.

7.4. At the end of the Rental Period, the User undertakes to lock the Vehicle using the Application. When the Rental Period ends, the Vehicle does not lock the keys from the Vehicle as a matter of principle. The User undertakes to return the Vehicle keys, including the recharge card and other documents, to the Vehicle compartment. By recording the end of the Rental Period (using a smartphone), the User expresses a desire not to use the Vehicle again and this moment is considered to be the end of the Rental Period and the return of the Vehicle.

7.5. The User undertakes to secure the Vehicle against theft or damage at any time of parking. He is obliged to check the closure of doors, windows, as well as the trunk of the vehicle.

7.6. The User undertakes to make sure after logging out using the App that the Vehicle Rental has been terminated in the App. In case of any problem with the termination of the Vehicle Lease, the User is obliged to contact the Helpline.

7.7. The User undertakes to remove all his belongings from the Vehicle upon termination of the Rental of the Vehicle and is not entitled to keep his belongings in the Vehicle. In the event of loss or destruction of the User's belongings left in the Vehicle, the Provider shall not be liable for damage to the goods for the loss or destruction of the User's belongings.

7.8. In the event that the User leaves the Vehicle outside the Parking Space at the agreed end of the Rental Period. The User undertakes to pay the Provider a contractual penalty in the amount specified in the Price List and at the same time a fee for re-parking the Vehicle to the Parking Space in the amount specified in the Price List.

7.9. In case of towing of the Vehicle mainly due to improper parking or other violation of the Rules of the Road or in an accident caused by the User, the User is obliged to pay the Provider a contractual penalty in the amount specified in the Price List and the fee for subsequent re-parking of the Vehicle to the Parking place in the amount specified in the Price List. Payment of the contractual penalty does not affect the Provider's right to compensation for damages to the extent exceeding the agreed contractual penalty.

7:10 a.m. Damage to the Vehicle, traffic accidents are covered by insurance coverage of the Vehicle to the extent and under the conditions of statutory liability insurance for damage caused by the operation of the Vehicle (so-called compulsory liability).

7:11 a.m. The vehicle is also insured against damage within the framework of accident insurance and insurance in case of theft of the Vehicle up to the amount of co-payment for the damage, in the amount specified in the Price List.

7:12 a.m. The User is obliged to pay the Provider for the damage caused by the User to the Vehicle, up to the extent of the Provider's contribution to the insurance performance, in the event that the insurance company provides such insurance. The amount of the User's liability is not limited in cases where the insurance company refuses insurance performance mainly due to the fault of the User, in particular in case of violation of these GTC and/or if the damage is not covered by the insurance. The User is entitled at any time to ask the Provider to submit the insurance conditions of the Vehicle or to request insurance information.

7:13 a.m. In the event of any damage to the Vehicle, the User undertakes to report this damage to the Provider via the Application or Helpline and follow the instructions of the Provider. The User undertakes to provide the Provider and its insurance company with all assistance and cooperation necessary to fully investigate the damage event and related to its liquidation, or to its judicial proceedings, in case of absence or lack of cooperation, the User is liable for the damage caused to the Provider as a result of the User's breach of this obligation to the Provider. In addition, the User undertakes to pay the Provider a fee for the settlement of the insurance event caused by him in the amount specified in the Price List.

7:14 a.m. In the event of a traffic accident regardless of the culprit of the accident, the User undertakes to immediately inform the Provider of the traffic accident through the Application or Helpline and follow the instructions of the Provider. At the same time, in the event of a traffic accident, the user is obliged to report the traffic accident to the Police of the Czech Republic if this obligation is stipulated by the legislation. In addition, the User undertakes to follow the instructions of the Police of the Czech Republic and, if necessary, to write a joint record of a traffic accident with another participant in the accident and immediately transmit it to the Provider. The record of a traffic accident must contain an identification of the place and time of a traffic accident, its participants and vehicles, its cause, course and consequences, and other requisites required by law.

7:15 a.m. In the event of (i) a traffic accident or damage event caused by the User and at the same time in case of (ii) incapacity of the Vehicle for further travel, the User undertakes to pay the Provider the fee for towing the Vehicle in the amount specified in the Price List, the fee for towing the Vehicle and the price indicated in the Price List.

7:16 a.m. In the event that the User discovers the occurrence of damage or malfunction on the Vehicle during the Rental Period, he undertakes to notify the Provider without delay through the Help Line.

7:17 a.m. The User undertakes to pay all parking fees for the parking of the Vehicle during the Rental Period in full, including all accessories and penalties, including public law penalties for violation of the obligation to pay parking fees.

7:18 a.m. The User is not authorized to use the Vehicle for any commercial purposes.

8. Obligations of the Provider

8.1. The Provider undertakes to ensure that all regular routine maintenance, service inspections, technical inspections and repairs of normal wear and tear of the Vehicles are carried out on the Vehicle at its own expense unless otherwise provided for in these GTC, the Agreement or other agreements between the Provider and the User (in particular, repair of damage caused by the User).

9. General provisions on compensation for injury

9.1. The User undertakes to pay the Provider for damage caused by violation of the Agreement, GTC, legal regulations, or other agreements between the User and the Provider, up to the full amount of the damage, if the amount of damage is not limited by these GTC.

9.2. If the Provider is entitled to a contractual penalty agreed in these GTC and/or in the Agreement against the User, the payment of the contractual penalty shall not affect the Provider's right to compensation to the extent exceeding the agreed contractual penalty. The user is obliged to pay the contractual penalty even if he was not guilty of the breach of duty.

9.3. The Provider is entitled, in justified cases, not to demand the contractual penalty from the User or to demand it in a reduced amount, taking into account all the circumstances, the amount of the damage incurred and the nature of the breach of the obligation for which the contractual penalty is fixed. Reducing the fine is undemanding.

10. Consumer protection

10.1. To all Users, the Lessor provides the following information:

(a) The identity and contact details of the Lessor are listed in the introductory part of these GTC: e-community solutions s.r.o., with its registered office at Varšavská 715/36, Vinohrady, 120 00 Praha 2, ID: 194 88 106, registered in the Commercial Register under sp. C 387400, registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, tel. +420 [•], website:, e-mail:;

(b) designation of services: it is a service of short-term rental of personal vehicles for private use for a fee;

(c) the price of the service is fixed in the Price List;

(d) payment is made through a payment gateway by payment card or, where appropriate, by other providers of electronic means of payment;

(e) To exercise the User's rights from defective performance in accordance with the relevant provisions of the OZ;

(f) complaints are handled through the Helpline;

(g) the consumer is entitled to withdraw from the Contract under the conditions agreed in these GTC;

(h) the commitment lasts for an indefinite period, and each partial Rental of the Vehicle then lasts for an individually agreed Lease Period;

(i) The User pays advances in the amount and manner specified in the Price List;

(j) Out-of-court dispute resolution falls within the competence of: Czech Trade Inspectorate, Štěpánská 796/44, 110 00 Prague 1, Email:, Web:

(k) The user as a consumer may use the online dispute resolution platform established by the European Commission at

10.2. The User acknowledges that the Vehicles are available for immediate use after the conclusion of each partial Rental Agreement, the User declares that he understands and agrees that he cannot withdraw from the partial Lease Agreement, in accordance with § 1837 (a) OZ. In case of withdrawal from the Contract according to paragraph 10.3, the User is not entitled to demand a refund of the paid Rent or other payments in accordance with the Price List.

10.3. The User is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement within fourteen days. Withdrawal from the Agreement does not affect the Provider's rights arising under the Agreement and the GTC until the moment of delivery of the withdrawal to the Provider.

10.4. To withdraw, the User is entitled to use the form:

Notice of Withdrawal

e-community solutions s.r.o. Varšavská 715/36, Vinohrady, 120 00 Prague 2

  • Announcement/Announcing () that I hereby resign/withdraw () from a contract concluded through the Peoplecar application setting out the framework conditions for short-term rental of passenger cars concluded on (*)
  • Name and surname of consumers/consumers
  • Address of consumer/consumers
  • Date
  • Signature of consumers/consumers

(*) Delete or fill in the details that do not apply.

11. Final provisions

11.1. In accordance with § 1752 OZ, the Operator is entitled to make changes and/or additions to these GTC, Price List and (or) any other parts of the Agreement unilaterally. Amendments to these GTC made by the Operator, as well as the new text of the Agreement, become effective and become binding on the Operator and the User after 15 calendar days from the date on which the Operator notified the User of the changes and placed the new text of the Terms of the Website or in the Mobile Application, unless the Lessor sets a different date of entry into force by its decision published together with such changes and (or) additions. The Lessor reserves the right to inform the User about changes and/or additions to the Terms and Conditions in the manner specified in Art. In (Notification) GTC.

11.2. The user undertakes to ensure (i.e. The User is responsible for ensuring that the intended result occurs, notwithstanding any subjective or objective limitations in the User's ability to control or influence third parties, or other subjective or objective facts necessary to achieve the intended result), that all persons or animals who will use the Vehicle with the User's consent will comply with these GTC and abide by the Agreement, in case of violation of this obligation by the relevant third party (by animal), the User responds as if he had committed the violation himself.

11.3. An integral part of these GTC is the Price List.

11.4. Substantial violation of these GTC by the User establishes the right of the Provider to terminate the Agreement and cancel the User's User Account with immediate effect.

11.5. The User is entitled to terminate the Agreement at any time with immediate effect without the stated reason.

11.6. The termination pursuant to the preceding paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5 shall not affect the rights and obligations of the parties (Provider and User) arising until the time of the termination.

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